University of Tartu IT services status page - Elektri alajaama hooldustööd 04.08 kell 8.00 - 12.00 W. Ostwaldi 1 – Maintenance details

All systems operational

Elektri alajaama hooldustööd 04.08 kell 8.00 - 12.00 W. Ostwaldi 1

Scheduled for 4th August 2022 at 05:00 – 09:00


Other services

Under maintenance from 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM

  • Completed
    4th August 2022 at 09:00
    4th August 2022 at 09:00

    The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

  • In progress
    4th August 2022 at 05:00
    In progress
    4th August 2022 at 05:00

    Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.

  • Update
    3rd August 2022 at 09:10
    3rd August 2022 at 09:10

    We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during this time.

  • Planned
    2nd August 2022 at 06:22
    2nd August 2022 at 06:22

    Neljapäeval teostatakse elektri alajaama hooldusremonti, mis mõjutab füüsikumi õppehoonet. Tööd teostatakse kella 8:00 - 12:00 vahemikus.